Saturday, September 13, 2008

HURRAY ! 1st "Name my Alpha Challenge"

Heya Ladies and Gentleman

Welcome to my first Name my Alpha Challenge
My busy days are almost past! Just one more late night working, and I will be back on daily routine, and Thuesday we have "Back to School" here in Germany.
So I thought, I celebrate this, with my first Name my Alpha Challenge!

Here´s the rules:

Name suggestions need to be posted as Comment at THIS Post.
The Challenge will be runnig from today September till next Sunday 22nd September!
At the end of next Sunday I will add a poll with the list of all suggestions, and all users and visitors will have the decition.

!!! The winner will receive BOTH ALPHAS above !!!! As PNG or UFO as the winner pleases!
!! Nobody else will receive this Alpha !! Exept the Winner decides to share !!

Now go ahead ladies and Gentleman add your Name suggestions to the Comments !!!

Oh I am so excited !!!!

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and get this and the following called " Magic Blue"

and now grab your freebie Wordart here

1 comment:

Maria said...

Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 29 Sep [LA 12:00am, NY 02:00am, UK 07:00am, OZ 05:00pm] ).